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Healthy Salad

Our success is our commitment to helping you manage your lifestyle. 

Mind / body principals are our core focus.

Nutrition  -    fitness   -   wellness and mental health - our four pillars.

Diverse daily living always needs focused attention.  Mental attitudes,  living conditions, working environment, nutrition and leisure activities impact on longevity. We will change your level of fitness which will make a massive contribution to your enjoyment of every day life. Helping combat life’s inevitable emotional roller coaster ride.

" Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring. I personally love eating clean food. I feel fitter, healthier, no bloating. It has much more flavour and tastes so much better than the junk food that is so easily available. When it comes to eating healthy, we just need to take some time out for ourselves and prepare it. "



TAMRIN HEMPEL, 21 years old

I entered the Fat Busta Challenge because Amy Mcloughlin, from Active Attitude gave me a call telling me about this challenge she had put together. I was very excited about it as I needed to lose this unwanted weight and had absolutely no motivation to do it myself. I wanted to get into shape, to become healthier as well as to boost my self confidence. How have I changed since losing 50 odd kilograms? I now have a positive attitude towards life. I have self confidence, I am healthier, I am more aware of how I eat, what not to eat. The Fat Busta Challenge not only helps you lose weight, but it teaches you how to train and how to eat and why certain food is important. I have also made a few friends while entering this challenge. I am no longer a couch potato, I enjoy being active, going for long walks, love doing outdoor activities. I enjoy socialising with friends as well as with new people, whereas before i would just hide in the background because my weight made me feel very self conscious. I have now become the fun-loving, friendly confident person I have always wanted to be.

"The best Gym I've been to. Family orientated and fun. I love the owners to pieces and would recommend this gym to anyone out there. They have helped me and so many others to lead a healthy fit lifestyle & they are always available to all their members. I would never go elsewhere. Thank you Fat Busta for changing my life for introducing me to this incredible gym. "

-Toni Oostingh

"The Fat Busta Challenge not only helped with weight-loss, but it helped me in every aspect of my life. Personal and professional. The positive and friendly vibe that greets you when you walk through the door always makes you feel welcome. Even as someone really overweight, I have never felt uncomfortable or out of place since I joined the gym. The experience I have had here has changed my life and because of the people there I am well on my way to a fitter and healthier lifestyle. I definitely recommend Active Attitude to anyone who wants to get fit and healthy in a friendly and positive environment."

- Antoinette Esteves

"Thanks to the Fat Busta Challenge I found Active Attitude. The only gym I will ALWAYS recommend. The knowledge among the trainers and members is on another level. Feels like home as I step through the door. My life as a whole has improved since I became part of this family. An experience I will always cherish. Best classes ever and always such a positive vibe, every single day! Love love love it!!!"

- Lizelle Steffens


Contact Us:


Cell: + 27 83 973 2321



Location​​​​​​: The Hub

Across from My Hydes  Beacon Bay, East London, SA

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© 2016 by Fat Busta Challenge - Amy Mcloughlin

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